Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pyramids: A crash course

January 3, 2012

I had a date several months back. I told the guy I was in school to become an anthropologist and he told me of his love of ancient structures like temples and pyramids. He excitedly informed me of how the aliens provided the knowledge to build them. Somebody please play matchmaker for me, I'm clearly not cut out for the job. Anywho, I’m not an Egyptologist, but day 2 went a long way to bettering my understanding of how the aliens, I mean the Egyptians, acquired their knowledge…good old fashion “trial and error.” 

Me being a dork with the Great Pyramid of  Khufu (Cheops)

This is the entrance to the North Saqqara and the Step Pyramid complex.

The precursor to the pyramid was the mastaba- a mud brick, flat-topped platform which covered a tomb. King Zoser and his architect, Imhotep, decided to stack six of the platforms. I’m not down playing their accomplishment or the structure; I’m merely trying to stress its lack of otherworldliness. 

Step Pyramid under renovation

Less than 100 years later, at the beginning of a new dynasty, the Pharaoh Sneferu improved the design by encasing the step understructure with a limestone encasement giving the pyramid a smooth, gleaming white surface. The only problem is on the first attempt they got the angle wrong and ended up with a “Bent Pyramid.” 
"Bent Pyramid" NOTICE the change of angle.

They learned from this mistake and immediately built the “Red Pyramid” the first true pyramid we recognize as the quintessential Egyptian pyramid. Ta-da! 

I got to enter this amazing structure, hunched over, I traveled down the 139 steps (yes I counted, remember I’m a dork) to reach the inner chambers with step-arched ceilings. 

The smell of the innermost chamber was overwhelming. I’ve smelled plenty of bat shit, but this was like huffing fumes from a bottle of ammonia.
NOTICE the stepped ceiling arch of the inner most chamber. It bears a strong resemblance to the stepped arches of the Inca, clear proof of alien contact! 
Or maybe it's simply an easy way to build a strong arch.

I wonder what’s happening in Tahrir Square? Time to find out!

Sitting on the massive base stones at the Pyramid of Khafre

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